Embracing Jeju’s Green Legacy: A Unique Educational Adventure with Dr. Chansoo Kim

Jeju Island, a gem off the southern coast of South Korea, is not only renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty but also for its rich biodiversity. It’s a place where the subtropical climate has nurtured a unique ecosystem, home to a plethora of native plants that are both beautiful and crucial to the local environment’s health. This is the setting for a remarkable educational program led by Dr. Chansoo Kim, in collaboration with the Seogwipo City Education Development Fund, Seogwipo Eoullim, and the Subtropical Forest Research Institute. This initiative is a testament to the power of community, education, and environmental stewardship coming together to create a transformative experience for children.

Playing with Jeju’s native plants with Dr. Chansoo Kim in collaboration with Seogwipo City Education Development Fund, Seogwipo Eoullim, children’s education, Subtropical Forest Research Institute

In the heart of Jeju’s verdant landscapes, Dr. Chansoo Kim, with over three decades of plant research and numerous academic contributions, has spearheaded an educational program that goes beyond traditional classroom boundaries. This program, aimed at children, leverages the natural environment of Jeju as a living classroom where the island’s native plants become tools for learning and personal growth.

Our Children Enjoy the Nature of Jeju

Jeju Island’s environment offers an unparalleled outdoor classroom that stimulates curiosity and a sense of wonder among the young learners. Through hands-on activities and guided exploration, children learn to appreciate the intricate beauty of Jeju’s native flora. This immersive experience fosters a deep connection with nature, encouraging children to value and protect their natural surroundings.

Playing with Native Plants and Enjoying Their Beauty

The program’s core lies in interactive sessions where children get to touch, smell, and see the diverse plant life Jeju has to offer. From the vibrant camellias to the sturdy evergreens, each plant tells a story of survival, adaptation, and ecological importance. Dr. Kim and his team, including esteemed directors Song Hyeong-rok, Lee Young-woo, and Woo Ho-won, have meticulously designed these sessions to be both educational and enjoyable.

Keeping Your Precious Things in Your Heart

An essential part of the program emphasizes the emotional and psychological benefits of connecting with nature. Children are encouraged to keep mementos of their experiences, whether through pressed flowers, sketches, or photographs. These keepsakes serve as tangible reminders of their journey into nature’s wonders, instilling a lasting sense of stewardship towards the environment.

Learn about Harmony and Balance with the Ecosystem

Understanding the delicate balance of ecosystems is a crucial learning outcome of this initiative. The program highlights how every plant and creature has a role in the broader ecological tapestry. Activities are designed to teach children about the importance of biodiversity, the impacts of invasive species, and the ways in which human actions can both harm and heal the natural world.

Developing an Attitude of Respect for the Natural Environment

Respect for nature is a core value instilled throughout the program. This is achieved not only through direct interaction with the environment but also through discussions on the ethical considerations of environmental conservation. The children learn to see themselves as part of the ecosystem, responsible for its care and preservation.

A Children’s Education Program Aimed at

The program is meticulously tailored to engage children in a meaningful exploration of Jeju’s natural heritage. It combines scientific knowledge with cultural insights, offering a holistic educational experience that respects both the intellect and the emotions of the young participants.

It Was Held at the Subtropical Forest Research Institute

The Subtropical Forest Research Institute, with its diverse collection of native and exotic plant species, serves as the perfect backdrop for this educational journey. Its facilities allow children to see conservation science in action, from the propagation of endangered species to the management of habitat restoration projects.

Collaboration for a Greener Future

This educational program stands as a model of successful collaboration between educational institutions, local government, and dedicated individuals. The Seogwipo City Education Development Fund and Seogwipo Eoullim Education and Social Cooperative have been instrumental in bringing this vision to life, providing resources and support to make this initiative possible.

In essence, this program is more than just an educational activity; it is a movement towards building a more environmentally conscious generation. By playing with Jeju’s native plants, children learn invaluable lessons about life, responsibility, and the interconnectedness of all living things. It’s an initiative that not only enriches the minds of young learners but also contributes to the preservation of Jeju’s natural heritage for future generations.


How does playing with native plants benefit children’s education? Playing with native plants introduces children to hands-on, experiential learning, fostering curiosity, and a deeper understanding of ecology and biology. It encourages outdoor activity, enhancing physical health and emotional well-being.

What makes Jeju’s native plants unique? Jeju’s native plants are unique due to the island’s subtropical climate, volcanic soil, and geographical isolation, which have given rise to a rich biodiversity not found elsewhere in South Korea.

How is the community involved in this educational program? The community is involved through collaborations between local educational funds, social cooperatives, and the participation of local educators and volunteers, creating a supportive environment for children’s learning.

Can this program help in conservation efforts? Yes, by educating the younger generation about the importance of native plants and ecosystems, the program fosters a conservation ethic that encourages future participation in environmental preservation efforts.

What role do educators play in this program? Educators play a crucial role by designing and delivering interactive, educational content, guiding outdoor activities, and fostering a respectful, curious attitude towards nature among children.

How can one participate or support this program? Participation and support can come through volunteer opportunities, donations to the collaborating organizations, or by spreading awareness of the program’s goals and achievements within the community.


The collaboration between Dr. Chansoo Kim, Seogwipo City Education Development Fund, Seogwipo Eoullim, and the Subtropical Forest Research Institute represents a beacon of hope for environmental education. By bridging the gap between children and the natural world, the program lays a foundation for a more sustainable and environmentally aware future. It’s a testament to the fact that when communities come together for the sake of education and environmental stewardship, the impact can be profound and lasting.

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